Westover Computer Services Logo In Arlington, Virginia
703-825-6606 (ask for Woody)

Is your Windows computer running like it might have been in the picture above (taken in 1975)?
If so, bring it to Westover Computer Services and we'll get it running like new (or at least much better).

On-site or off-site service, pickup and delivery, or drop-off & pickup yourself.

We offer the following services for Windows computers in the Washington, D.C. area:

The WCS Head Geek:

WCS's founder and chief engineer, a Westover native who attended Walter Reed Elementary back in the Days of Yore, was Senior Systems Engineer, Data Communications Administrator and Web Curator at NASA Headquarters for 12 years, working in every aspect of IT user support, computer and network hardware, software and data communications. His speciality is to preserve and protect your precious data and to make "old dogs learn new tricks" by making "mature" computers run like, or nearly like, new again.